Erdoğan: We will hold those who charge high rents accountable through the judiciary


Erdoğan: We will hold those who charge high rents accountable through the judiciary

President Erdoğan stated in his statement regarding high rents that those who do this will be held accountable through the judiciary. Erdoğan said that the seabed pipe placement process was completed and the Black Sea gas will be put into operation on April 20. President Erdoğan made statements regarding the agenda. The main points from President Erdoğan's statements are as follows: On average, more than 50% of the debris would be removed and ground surveys were conducted. We are working to have some of the houses we call village houses ready for the holiday, God willing. If our Ministry of Environment and Urbanization said, "This building cannot be entered," don't enter. "I will take my belongings..." Don't enter. You entered, it collapsed. How can we account for this, we can't. Don't put us at risk of falling. We have promised you about urban transformation, we will take you back to your places anyway. Don't put us at such a risk. I told the citizens who gathered after a Friday prayer in Üsküdar, "Let's demolish the buildings as soon as possible, build much more beautiful ones in their place and let you settle down..." Some accepted, some did not, we demolished and rebuilt the buildings of those who did. Recently they blocked my way and said, "President, we made a mistake, we did not allow our house to be demolished. Please demolish ours as well." I will give the order, but do not make the same mistake again. We will prevent this and give you all kinds of support, I promise. We will hold those who implement high rents accountable. We will hold those who implement high rents accountable through the judiciary. We will go after them. This is the primary responsibility of the municipalities in those regions. Let's get through the election, and from now on, our Ministry of Environment and Urbanization must implement new legal regulations, and local and central governments must share duties. Using light materials, we will implement what we have implemented in TOKİ projects in these constructions, both to get results quickly and to complete these constructions, which will make us much more comfortable. A team coordinated by Mehmet Şimşek is making preparations We are already making serious preparations to further strengthen our economic policies in the upcoming period. A team coordinated by Mehmet Şimşek, who has been in our economic management for many years, is making preparations in this direction. There are also studies carried out in the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Central Bank and other units. God willing, after the election, we will bring all of these together and strengthen them even more. Black Sea gas will be activated on April 20 Black Sea gas will be activated on April 20. We will light the fire of Black Sea gas in Filyos. Then Turkey will start using its domestic gas.