Erdogan: We will overcome the inflation issue


Erdogan: We will overcome the inflation issue

In his speech at the Participation Finance Strategy Document Presentation Meeting, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made the following comment regarding inflation: "We will overcome the inflation issue, the effects of which have been felt for a while due to global developments, and God willing, we will build the Century of Turkey." President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at the Participation Finance Strategy Document Presentation Meeting held at the Dolmabahçe Office. Erdoğan said that we are going through a period in which the global economic crisis, deepened by the increase in energy and commodity prices triggered by the pandemic and war, has deeply affected all economies, especially developed countries. Stating that Turkey has differentiated itself from other countries with the experience it has gained from the political and economic calamities it has been going through for a long time in recent years when global crises have been incessant, Erdoğan made the following assessments: “To be frank, some have tried every means from conspiracies to coups in the last 8-9 years to make Turkey unmanageable. The last bullet of these insidious attacks was fired at our economy, but an unforeseen situation emerged. Our fight against the traps set for us has made us stronger. In return, unexpected crises around the world have revealed all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of those who set these traps for us. We will hopefully build the ‘century of Turkey’ together by overcoming the inflation issue, the effects of which we have been feeling for a while due to the impact of global developments. “Participation finance is far behind the place it deserves” Erdoğan stated that participation finance is far behind the place it deserves in the sector and said, “There is a general perception in our society that participation finance institutions are no different from banks. The first step in changing this perception could be to change the name of the Participation Bank to Participation Finance Institution... I believe that participation banks will enter a rapid growth process."