Midterm election day in the USA


Midterm election day in the USA

As the US midterm elections take place today, polls indicate a difficult picture for President Joe Biden. Elon Musk, who has drawn attention with the radical changes he made to Twitter, which he purchased, has openly asked for votes for the Republicans. The US Congressional midterm elections, which are of critical importance for the future policies of President Joe Biden and his administration and perhaps the outcome of the next presidential elections, will be held today. Polls indicate that the Democrats will lose the majority in the US House of Representatives, while the Republicans will be able to achieve at least a 50-50 tie in the Senate. Rising inflation, a recession on the horizon, and increasing crime rates and immigration issues are among the factors that are giving momentum to the Republican candidates. According to Bloomberg's analysis, if the Republicans win the election, it could narrow Biden's room to maneuver in the face of new economic and financial shocks. In addition, the Biden administration's unconditional support for Ukraine could face stronger Congressional opposition. A Republican majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate could also cause negotiations to increase the US debt ceiling to avoid bankruptcy to be more difficult than in the past. Open call from Musk On the other hand, the upcoming elections are also the scene of firsts. Elon Musk, who bought Twitter, made a clear call to his followers to vote Republican in a statement. Although business people and entrepreneurs in the US express their political preferences, especially with donations, this is the first time a social media entrepreneur has made such a clear suggestion about their voting preferences. Trump's footsteps Meanwhile, former US President Donald Trump has also signaled that he will run for president for a third time. Trump, who has been working on behalf of Republican candidates in the field for the midterm elections and speaking at rallies, announced that he will make a "big announcement" in Florida on November 15.