The “red” threat in trade


The “red” threat in trade

Wars, epidemics, trade disputes, embargoes, the world's waters are not calming down... This situation creates a domino effect in trade between countries. Countries are affected by each other's trade and cannot get rid of it for a long time, like an epidemic. Problems experienced in trade routes have become a plague of trade, especially in the last 50-60 years. One of the biggest crises experienced in the Suez Canal was the ship named Ever Given, which lost control while passing through the canal in March 2021, and completely stopped maritime traffic in the Suez Canal. The passage, which hosts 12 percent of the world's maritime trade and normally sees 50 container ships pass through per day, was completely closed. Every day that the canal remained blocked caused a loss of 10-15 billion dollars to world trade. There were opinions that there could be a short-term shortage of products used in daily life, such as toilet paper, after the canal blockage. It has been argued by many circles that the blockage of the canal would damage the reputation of the Suez Canal and could also lead to the revival of land trade routes such as the historic Silk Road.