Grain corridor agreement extended

Grain corridor agreement extended

President Erdoğan announced that the agreement period, which was set to expire on March 19, has been extended following talks with both parties regarding the grain corridor agreement. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that the agreement signed between Russia and Ukraine regarding the Black Sea grain corridor, which was set to expire on March 19, has been extended. President Erdoğan, who attended the opening of the rebuilt Seddülbahir Castle and the opening of the Gallipoli-Eceabat road as part of the 108th anniversary ceremonies of the Çanakkale Naval Victory, said the following: "I would like to share with the world public a development regarding the Black Sea grain corridor that we ensured was signed in July together with the United Nations. The agreement, which was the most important compromise issue after the war along with the prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine, is ending today. As a result of our negotiations with both parties, we have ensured that the agreement period, which was set to end on March 19, is extended. This agreement, which has provided 800 ships and 25 million tons of grain to world markets to date, is of vital importance in terms of the stability of global food supply. I would like to thank the Russian and Ukrainian sides and the UN Secretary General for their unrelenting efforts to extend the agreement once again."