Dairy sector representatives: "Increasing input costs are putting pressure on milk producers"


Dairy sector representatives: "Increasing input costs are putting pressure on milk producers"

Sector representatives made a joint press statement regarding the problems experienced in the dairy sector and solution proposals. The press statement was signed by the President of the Union of Chambers of Agriculture of Turkey Ş. Şemsi Bayraktar, President of the Central Union of Turkish Milk Producers Tevfik Keskin, President of the Central Union of Turkish Breeding Cattle Breeders Kamil Özcan, President of the Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives Ahmet Erken and President of the All Milk, Meat and Breeding Cattle Breeders Association Sencer Solakoğlu. The statement of the sector representatives is as follows; “Increasing input costs are putting pressure on milk producers” "As it is known, the recommended selling price of chilled raw milk (excluding raw milk support premium) was determined as 7.50 TL/liter at the meeting of the National Milk Council (USK) held on May 5, 2022, effective from May 15, 2022. The Council stated in its statement; 'In case of a significant change in the raw milk production cost, a re-evaluation will be made according to market conditions in the upcoming period.' As of today, when a liter of milk is sold, our producers receive an average of 7 liras after the deductions. Our producers had to face the increases in feed before the milk price recommended by the National Milk Council even reached them. The price of one kilo of feed reached 7.6 liras in some places. The parity fell below 1. Feed prices increased as domestic and international raw material prices increased. Feed is not the only cost of the producer. Fuel oil has also increased and continues to increase. Neither electricity, nor workers, nor transportation, nor medicine… Our producers no longer have the enthusiasm to produce, nor has no hope for the future. Our producers are now tired of being in a position of 'constantly demanding prices due to unsustainable raw milk prices and increasing costs'. Consumers who have difficulty accessing high milk prices and face the risk of not having a healthy and balanced diet are not very happy with their situation either. How will a people who cannot access high-priced animal products raise healthy generations and build the Turkey of the future? Come, listen to the voice of the field. Let's all take concrete steps together that will save our producers from these difficult conditions they have found themselves in, that will guide them and be a light. The most prioritized and biggest investment to be made in the country will be to channel more resources to this area. In the past, people who disconnected from production in rural areas would migrate to the cities and try to find a life there. Now life is very expensive there too. People have no choice but to stay where they are and produce in this high cost of living. "Let's save our milk producers from this impasse" Please support our producers and save them from this impasse. That is why we say; In order for the raw milk/feed parity to be 1.5 during the periods determined by the National Milk Council (USK), either raw milk prices should be increased or feed prices should be decreased. Measures should be taken against the increases in roughage and concentrated feeds. Measures should be implemented to stop other cost increases. Raw milk prices should be determined monthly. A market should be created that will provide the producer with a stable income to continue his life. The 20 cent premium support given for raw milk should be increased to a level that will both support the producer and prevent the slide into informality, namely at least 1 lira. Measures should be implemented to prevent the slaughter of breeding animals. The consumer should be provided with the opportunity to buy animal products at affordable prices. Effective policies should be implemented quickly for the construction of a happy Turkey that produces and consumes.