Will the stock market continue its performance in the first half of the year?


Will the stock market continue its performance in the first half of the year?

The first half of the stock market was marked by the story of “Turkey’s return”. Will the expectation of “Shining Turkey” and foreign inflow in the second half of the year ensure that the performance that beat inflation and deposits in the first half continues? 2024 has been an interesting and difficult year to predict in many ways; while on the one hand, it has become more difficult to follow the effects of tightening and its impact on company profits, on the other hand, it has become more difficult to follow company performances with inflation accounting. Protecting the value of their investments in the face of inflation, which peaked in May, has become the greatest desire of investors. Borsa Istanbul closed the first half of 2024 with a new record level. Its 45 percent increase in performance against the global index was impressive and it managed to enter the top five stock exchanges that rose the most.