The number of deaths and injuries in earthquakes is increasing


The number of deaths and injuries in earthquakes is increasing

According to the latest figures, 29,605 people lost their lives in the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş. Vice President Fuat Oktay stated that the shelter needs of more than one million 200 thousand disaster victims were met. Oktay stated that it was extremely critical for the prosecutor's office to collect evidence before the debris was removed from the earthquake area and said, "All measures have been taken in this regard." In a statement from AFAD, it was stated that "A total of 2,412 earthquakes have occurred as of now following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Kahramanmaraş." The statement noted the following: "A total of 233,320 personnel and 12,322 vehicles and construction equipment are working in the earthquake area. According to the information received from SAKOM, as of 15:55, 29,605 of our citizens have lost their lives. 147,934 of our citizens in the earthquake area have been evacuated to other provinces. As a result of the talks held with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 9,369 personnel who came from other countries for assistance have been dispatched to the disaster area. 70 planes, 167 helicopters, 24 ships, 45 UAVs, and 9 drones are on duty in the area. 319 mobile kitchens, 86 catering vehicles, 33 mobile ovens, and 83 bathroom/laundry units have been dispatched to the earthquake-affected areas by the Red Crescent and NGOs. Soup, hot meals, food, refreshments, and beverages are being distributed to our citizens in the area. 2,552 personnel and 384 vehicles have been dispatched to the area for psychosocial support services." Vice President Fuat Oktay stated in the press conference held at 19:55, "Türk Telekom, Turkcell and Vodafone will provide all calls in the earthquake zone free of charge for a period of one month from the moment the earthquake occurs." According to İHA, Oktay stated in his statements that the shelter needs of more than 1.2 million disaster victims have been met. Oktay stated that it is extremely critical for the prosecutor's office to collect evidence before the debris is removed from the earthquake zone and said, "All measures have been taken regarding this." Vice President Fuat Oktay announced the latest developments regarding the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş and felt in 10 provinces at the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). Noting that more than 230 thousand damaged buildings have been identified and that the assessment work is continuing at full speed, Oktay said, "Aftershocks continue. They will continue for a certain period of time. Our work on damage assessment continues very intensively. Currently, more than 6 thousand expert damage assessment experts are continuing their work. "A total of 230 thousand buildings have been examined by damage assessment teams, and all 966 thousand 544 independent units have been worked on. In the undamaged buildings, regarding the settlement of our homeowner citizens, it was determined that 108 thousand buildings and 550 thousand apartments were undamaged. Minor damage was also determined in 58 thousand buildings and 438 thousand independent units. It is extremely critical for the prosecutor's office to collect evidence before the debris is removed. All measures have been taken in this regard," he said. “Establishment work for approximately 5 thousand container cities has started” Oktay stated that all stocks in the country have been transferred to the regions and said, “Our sheltering works are continuing rapidly. We have sent nearly 2.6 million blankets to the region. We are trying to support the entire region. The existing stocks in Turkey have been completely directed to the field. Aid from abroad and purchasing processes from abroad will also continue at full speed. The installation work for tent and container cities is also continuing. Work for the establishment of approximately 5 thousand container cities has started. Our total number of sheltered disaster victimized citizens has reached 1 million 200 thousand. We also have nearly 400 thousand registered evacuees.” “76 of our 574 orphaned children have been returned to their families” Oktay also provided information about the works to find the families of orphaned earthquake victimized children and said the following: “As of today, 10 thousand 600 tons of wood and 2 thousand 100 tons of coal have been transferred to the field. There were some regions in the region that had difficulties in communication. They will provide all calls free of charge from the moment the earthquake occurred by contacting the operators. 233 thousand unnamed heroes are working both at the center and in the field. Security measures have increased. We are extremely sensitive about unaccompanied children. We do not want to leave our children who have lost their mothers and fathers unattended. 76 of our 574 children have been returned to their families. 380 of our children are still receiving treatment in the hospital. The number of children we have placed in homes of love is 118. The identities of 503 of our children have been determined and we are trying to determine the identities of the remaining 71. Hopefully, we will determine their identities as soon as possible and reunite them with their families.” Minister of Technology and Industry Mustafa Varank, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Vahit Kirişçi and AFAD President Yunus Sezer attended the meeting.