Conservatives win the ballot box in Finland


Conservatives win the ballot box in Finland

Early voting results in Finland show the conservative National Coalition Party in the lead. According to the results of early voting for the general election in Finland, which was completed between March 22-28, the right-wing and conservative National Coalition Party led by Petteri Orpo is leading the election. According to the initial results shared by the Electoral Council, the National Coalition Party’s vote increased by 3.8 percent compared to the previous election, reaching 20.8 percent. The Social Democratic Party, led by current Prime Minister Sanna Marin, increased by 3 percent compared to the initial results, reaching 20.7 percent. The far-right populist movement True Finns Party, led by Riikka Purra, increased by 1.1 percent to 18.6 percent. According to the early voting results, which equate to 40 percent of the total vote, the party that lost the most votes was the Green League, also known as the “Greens of Finland,” with 4.2 percent. The Greens’ vote fell to 7.3 percent.