Minister Nebati: Exporters should not complain, the increase in foreign exchange will disrupt my inflation plan


Minister Nebati: Exporters should not complain, the increase in foreign exchange will disrupt my inflation plan

Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati said the following regarding exporters’ recent complaints about the exchange rate: “They shouldn’t complain about the exchange rate for nothing. It’s not far from the optimal point. An increase in the exchange rate would disrupt my inflation plan.” Speaking to the ECONOMY newspaper, Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati expressed his view that the decline in inflation due to the base effect will continue until the end of May, and that negative rates may be seen in food with the comfort of summer. Nebati said, “2022 will go down in history as the worst year. There is a foreign trade deficit of $100 billion and a current account deficit of $50 billion, but thank God, we are leaving this difficult period behind.” Minister Nebati gave the following messages in his interview with the Economy newspaper: Citizens look at their pockets, not the “base effect” in inflation. We will see a mathematical decrease, but there will also be a noticeable decline. Exporters shouldn’t complain about the exchange rate for nothing. It’s not far from the optimal point. The increase in foreign exchange would disrupt my inflation plan. We have “real mortgage” preparations to revive the housing sector. The loan term could be 15 years. There will be a gradual interest model according to the cost of the house. Whatever is given to the minimum wage earner, civil servant, and retiree is their right. It would be good not to take any steps that would cause the minimum wage to trigger inflation too much. Our net foreign exchange reserve is 25 billion dollars. Foreign exchange is coming from Russia little by little. Tourists who come open accounts in our banks. This is very good for us.